“To date, we have received nothing but positive feedback from local residents. City bylaw officers have also reported positive effects downtown.”
Read more...The failures of standard restrooms have severely diminished what people expect from these facilities. Public bathrooms are instantly deemed a success if they don’t cost a fortune in taxpayer dollars or become a hotbed of crime. The bar doesn’t have to be that low!
Fortunately, the toilet tide is starting to turn as the Portland Loo continues to prove how beneficial these facilities can be. Let’s explore some of the unexpected benefits of reliable public restrooms for cities, locals, and city officials.
For Cities
1. Lowers cleaning costs.
There’s a common misconception that public restrooms lead to increased maintenance and cleaning costs. In reality, every unit brings down these public expenses. Reliable public restrooms lead to cleaner public spaces which reduces the city’s beautification budget.
2. Enhances urban aesthetics
Speaking of beauty, another unexpected benefit of public restrooms is urban aesthetics. Modern, durable, and well-designed facilities add to a city’s overall visual appeal instead of detracting from it. Just look at how sleek the Portland Loo looks in some of the country’s largest cities!
3. Boosts tourism.
Nobody’s coming to your city for the public restrooms. (Unless you have a Loo, of course!) But, they’re essential for making out-of-towners comfortable while visiting. When people have a reliable place to “go”, they’ll spend more time and money in your neck of the woods. That’s to say nothing of the increased time locals can spend downtown with proper facilities.
For Locals
4. Promotes public health
Proper city sanitation is vital for individual and public well-being. It reduces the transmission of harmful germs and lowers public health costs. Investing in public restrooms is a proactive step towards a healthier community.
5. Improves quality of life
Easy and reliable access to public restrooms elevates the quality of life for residents. That’s particularly true for families, the elderly, the differently abled, and those experiencing homelessness. Without sufficient restrooms, people are forced to find alternative options which are often dehumanizing and sources of health risk.
6. Enhances social equity
Restroom access is a fundamental human right. Conventional public restrooms often bar the most vulnerable segments of society due to their limited accessibility. Accommodating facilities like the Portland Loo work to secure this basic need for everyone.
For City Officials
7. Reduces crime
Believe it or not, public restrooms can reduce illicit activity! If they’re designed right, that is. For example, the Portland Loo is equipped with various crime-fighting features such as:
- Stainless steel walls minimize vandalism and other damage.
- Angled louvers balance privacy and safety to prevent misuse.
- An austere design prevents squatting.
- Blue lights reduce drug use by making it hard to find veins.
8. Improves public relations
The public heavily prefers city officials who actually care about their needs and wants. Investing in public amenities like restrooms is an effective way to demonstrate this commitment. It shows city leaders are dedicated to improving the quality of life in the community. Just make sure you choose the right toilet!
9. Boosts economic savings
Well-designed public restrooms can save cities money by reducing crime, lowering sanitation costs, and promoting public health. Durable designs built to withstand constant use and potential abuse are a major boon to public spending due to their longer lifespans. It’s time city officials start seeing these facilities as investments instead of resource drains.
The Loo’s Solution
Most conventional restrooms fail to meet these expectations due to poor design concepts and expensive materials. The revolutionary Portland Loo delivers on all of these promises by flushing away traditional toilet concepts. Its forward-thinking design tackles all the downsides of standard toilets, giving cities more of the good and none of the bad. There’s a reason why the Loo has been adopted in over 20 cities across three different continents. It works!
If you’re interested in bringing a Loo to your city, check out our tips here. Also, feel free to contact us to have your questions answered!