September 7, 2022
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Why City Managers Love the Loo

Why City Managers Love the Loo-cm

City managers fulfill the crucial role of working with various departments in a city government to make sure things run smoothly. From law enforcement and fire departments to public education and public sanitation, city administrators play an important part in all facets of a fully functioning city.

One of the most dreaded responsibilities of this position is dealing with public restrooms. These essential public facilities are notorious for being incredibly expensive, difficult to maintain, and – nearly always – a big waste of time.

The Portland Loo is on a mission to change the way people, including city managers, see public restrooms. Here are some of the reasons the Loo should be a consideration for all city administrators.

It’s extremely durable.

The reason public restrooms get such a terrible wrap is because of their poor design. Conventional public facilities are built with cinderblock or brick materials which quickly crumble at the slightest misuse. Not the Loo! These toilet tanks are constructed with stainless steel paneled walls for a virtually indestructible design. It’s designed to last for over 100 years (literally), making it a permanent solution to a permanent problem all cities face. This is the best way to get the most out of your limited budget.

It’s designed for easy maintenance.

As a city manager, you’re always thinking about the bigger picture. When it comes to public restrooms, you know upfront costs aren’t the only investment. You have to budget for upkeep too. Lucky for you, the Loo is the first public toilet designed for easy maintenance. Its austere and functional design doesn’t require much cleaning. Plus, the Loo’s virtually indestructible quality prevents any vandalism. Even when parts need to get replaced (which is rare), they’re easy to source and even easier to piece together.

The Loo deters crime.

All city administrators have heard the nightmare stories of massive public restroom investments that went down the tube due to criminal activity. Unfortunately, what’s supposed to be a safe space to ‘go’ often becomes a hotbed of seedy activity. The Loo not only avoids the issue of crime completely, but it also goes a step further to deter disapproved exploits. Blue lighting on the inside prevents drug use, the external sink discourages loitering, and the open-bottom limits socially unacceptable behavior.

It’s sustainable and eco-friendly.

The public is becoming increasingly concerned about climate change and its negative implications. As a result, people are demanding officials take action to make cities more sustainable. The Loo marks that box with an industry-first environmentally-friendly design. It’s designed with minimal materials and renewable resources. This green facility also uses significantly less water and electricity than standard public restrooms. There’s even a solar panel option for off-grid Loos not connected to municipal power.

It saves cities money.

Most public restrooms are pure expenses because they deteriorate quickly and rarely live up to public expectations. On the other hand, the Portland Loo can be seen as an actual investment since it saves cities and citizens money. The crime-resistant design cuts down on the public funds put towards the police power. Cleaner streets keep cities from having to spend exorbitant amounts on cleaning and sanitation. The Loo even saved a city from losing a lawsuit when the city council was sued for not providing enough public restrooms.

City officials (around the world) approve it.

The Loo is currently being used in cities across the country from California to New York and everywhere in between. Even our northerly neighbors in Canada have joined the public restroom revolution. As a city manager, you’re always looking to see what other officials have done successfully. After all, there’s no reason to reinvent the wheel. City planners, managers, and administrators in cities large and small have approved seen excellent returns on the Loo. You could too!

If you’re interested in learning more about the Portland Loo and what it takes to bring one to your city, feel free to contact us.

Posted in: Blog