Bring The Loo to Your City

Man pushing toilet door-cm

Eager to bring a Portland Loo to your city but not sure where to begin? You’re in the right place! Whether you’re representing a non-profit, working for the city, advocating for the homeless, or simply a concerned citizen, this quick guide will show you how to bring a Loo to your city in three simple steps.

1.    Set your goals. 

Start off by defining exactly what you want to achieve. How many Loos does your city need? Where should they go? How much will it cost? These specifics are essential for clearly explaining your proposals to motivate fellow citizens and convince city leaders.

2.    Spread the word.

Next, reach out to as many people and groups as possible to back your proposal. The more voices behind your message, the more likely decision-makers will listen. Non-profits, NGOs, business districts, and other community-oriented organizations are great places to start.

3.    Contact city leaders.

The last step is to get in touch with city leaders. The city manager is the ideal target since these professionals directly assist mayors in city administration. A simple Google search of “[your city] + city administrator contact] should pull up contact info.

Here’s a sample message you can use to craft your email or phone call. Make sure to tailor it to your unique situation.

Greeting: Hello [OFFICIAL’S TITLE]. My name is [YOUR FULL NAME]. I’m a resident of [ YOUR CITY].

Opening: I’m reaching out to discuss a modernized, cost-effective, and long-lasting public restroom option.

Problems & Solutions: As you know, our city is struggling with [RELEVANT ISSUES]. The Portland Loo is a one-of-a-kind restroom option that’s already helped over two-dozen cities provide citizens with a safe and accessible place to go while cutting costs and reducing crime.

Request: I would strongly encourage you and other city leaders to consider the Portland Loo to drastically improve [YOUR CITY]’s public restroom situation. Would you be willing to speak about the Portland Loo during the next council meeting?

Offer & Follow-Up: Thank you very much for thinking about this crucial issue. I’m available at any point to connect you with a professional and to provide more details. 

That’s really all there is to it! Don’t get too discouraged if it takes longer than you anticipated. Making any changes on a city level takes time, even with something as amazing as the Portland Loo! Please contact us if you have any questions. We’d love to hear from you.

Posted in: Blog